Getting Started

Add BugBee to your server

  1. Click on the following link to add BugBee to your game or company discord:
    Invite BugBee to your server

  2. Create a private channel, we'll call it the Backend Channel, and give access to people reviewing the feedbacks as well as BugBee

  3. Initialize BugBee by typing /init in the Backend Channel

  4. For each games you want to receive feedbacks on, create a dedicated Frontend Channel, and register it by typing: /add_game <your game name>

  5. To enable Steam Integration for your game, type the following command in your game's Frontend Channel: /add_steam <game_steam_appid>

Removing a Frontend Channel

If you want to remove a Frontend Channel, you can do so by typing /unregister_game_channel in the target channel.

Moving Backend Channel

To identify a channel, BugBee is using the discord channel id, it means you can move or rename your channels without incidence. If you do want to register a new Backend Channel though, you can remove the bot completely and re-configure both your Backend Channel and your Frontend Channels.

Removing BugBee

To remove BugBee and have the bot forget everything about your server, you can run the following command: /remove_bugbee. When the command is successful, you can remove BugBee user from your server.

How can I get some support

Join us on discord to get support, leave a feedback, report a bug, or ask for a new feature!