What is BugBee?
BugBee is a discord bot & steam integration that helps you gather feedbacks on your games.
Invite BugBee to your server
It does not store any report, it only forward them to a dedicated channel in your discord server. Please review the Privacy Policy for more details.
Getting Started
Add BugBee to your server
Click on the following link to add BugBee to your game or company discord:
Invite BugBee to your server -
Create a private channel, we'll call it the Backend Channel, and give access to people reviewing the feedbacks as well as BugBee
Initialize BugBee by typing
in the Backend Channel -
For each games you want to receive feedbacks on, create a dedicated Frontend Channel, and register it by typing:
/add_game <your game name>
To enable Steam Integration for your game, type the following command in your game's Frontend Channel:
/add_steam <game_steam_appid>
Removing a Frontend Channel
If you want to remove a Frontend Channel, you can do so by typing /unregister_game_channel
in the target channel.
Moving Backend Channel
To identify a channel, BugBee is using the discord channel id, it means you can move or rename your channels without incidence. If you do want to register a new Backend Channel though, you can remove the bot completely and re-configure both your Backend Channel and your Frontend Channels.
Removing BugBee
To remove BugBee and have the bot forget everything about your server, you can run the following command: /remove_bugbee
When the command is successful, you can remove BugBee user from your server.
How can I get some support
Join us on discord to get support, leave a feedback, report a bug, or ask for a new feature!
Privacy Policy
Application permission
BugBee only need a restricted set of permissions to operate:
- Send Messages
- Attach Files
Data Collection
To function properly, BugBee stores Discord identifiers for:
- servers
- server's owners
- backend channel
- frontend channels
If Steam integration is enable for a game, BugBee will also store its Steam AppId.
Third Parties
When you are using the Steam Integration, BugBee is using the Steam API to validate user identity and game ownership. Users SteamIds are not stored.
You have a feature request? Please share it with us on discord!
In Progress
- Steam integration
- Push tickets to a task management software
- Block specifics users from submitting tickets
- Use AI to group tickets